Thursday, November 13, 2008

final evaluation
What problems did i have when working with photoshop and xara ?
The most difficult part of using xara was that in the final stage we had to use the envelope tool, it was quite difficult because we had to paste everyting onto the 3-d model which was hard because in xara you could group two objects together which is easier to paste onto the 3-d model. But in the end i got the hang of it. Another problem that i came across in xara was that you could not crop images in xara so i ended up pasting the image onto photoshop to crop the image or use the magic wand to cut the uneeded parts. When i used photoshop i didnt have much problems because all i had to do was to cut Ms adams background(which wasnt so hard ) and to paste my print screens on to photo shop which i then had to post it onto my blog.

What parts would i like to practice
i would like to practice more on using the techniques on both softwares because for most of the i times i used xara to edit my box to paste my faces of my box onto the 3-d model (using the envelope tool)

what changes would i have done
I wouldnt change much of my box as i was pretty proud of my box it looked nice and attractive. The only thing i would have changed would be the fact that i could have made the box look more 'cool' because the theme of the box was to teach people how to be cool.

which one is better xara or photoshop
As i have several weeks on using both softwares i have come to a conclusion that photoshop is better than xara because it has more tools and functions, i think xara is designed better for beginners (like me) and photo shop is more suitable for who want to use advanced functions and tools but altogether working on both of these softwares has been very fun!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

what i did this week
again this week i just continued with my teacher in a box project i edited a few parts and made the box look more attractive by adding color to it and also editing the first face, i think that the next lesson i would be able to complete my teacher in a box as i just need to put it onto the 3-d model, this week i had not much problems so it was pretty simple task.