Thursday, March 26, 2009

In this week we started creating our websites as you can i had title, we used our techniques and skillls we learnt in past weeks to create our website, we made buttons which were flashy and also were creative, we created our buttons by adobe photoshop. So far i only did my main page so i need to make my other pages and link it to my main page. I hope to finish my website soon!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

In this week we started making our webstie using Adobe dreamweaver we used photoshop to design our buttons then pasted it on dreamweaver we made very flashy and attractive buttons, which liked making very much. We had to make the button according to the size of our plan.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What we did this week
This week we used Dremwever and created links on our web page. To other pages such as the concert and the Oscars. We did this by clicking on the object the at the bottom of dreamweaver you have the button which you drag to the file you want to link it to and there you have it. We made links to other pages where people could see more things.

What i found difficult
The thing i found most difficult was trying to work out how to create a link as i was not here on the week before and then i asked my friend which helped me. It was hard at first as i did not know how to create a link and that we had to create a new file before linking it onto that file. But as my friend told me i got the hang of it

what i would improve.
Since i had not much time in spending my time in decorating my web pages,i looked a bit dull and boring, so next lesson i aim to make my web pages more colorful and attractive and use some flashy colors.