Thursday, February 12, 2009

Friday 13 feb 2009 evaluating websites

Website 1
Website 2
Web address of site (URL): (a) (b)

1) What age group (young children, teenagers, adults) do you think this website is targeted at?
(a) this website is targeted mostly targeted at older people rather than children this is because they display office sales office cartoons rather than cartoons targeted at children

(b) This website is targeted at children because it features children cartoon characters such as scooby doo ben 10 etc. There are also children games and videos on it.

What was it about the website that helped you identify the target audience?

In website a it helped me identify it was targeted at adult because the cartoons were all about office and sales and bussiness , not the usual type of cartoons that a child would watch.

in website b it helped me identify it was targeted for children because there were games and videos for children and there was nothing that was realated to adults. The look was also very child like with a lot of colors and cartoon characters on the home page.

2) How have the colours been chosen to appeal to the target audience? Explain your answer with an example.

In website a the maker of the website chose a more simple color and formal color rather than many flashy colors. Instead it uses simple colors likewhite and blue.

In website b the maker of the website chose a lot of flashy colors with very appealing colors that would attract the children eyes. If the maker of the website chose very boring colors then no children would want to enter the website . The website also has many colors on it another factor to attract the children eyes

3) How has the layout been chosen to appeal to the target audience? Explain your answer with an example.

In website A the layout is very simple and clear the person who goes on the website can easily what (S)he wants to watch. Since most adults do not prefer flashy websites they prefer more simple websites

In website B the layout is very creative with pictures all over the place and flashy adverts in the website. And whenever you hover over something there is always some type of cool icon which show you what is. The layout is also very suitable for children because there is all the features a children wants to see

4) How has the content been chosen to appeal to the target audience? Explain your answer with an example.

A. In website A the content has been chosen to appeal to the target audience because it features bussiness cartoons unlike website b which features tv cartoons. On this website it is more suitable for adults as there are no childish cartoons on it

In website B it has a lot of TV cartoons such as batman, ben 10 etc. There are also games; you would not really find games on adult websites. In website A there is a simple content so the child can understand the website easily.

5) How has the language used been chosen to appeal to the target audience? Explain your answer with an example.

In website A the language is harder than in child websites. For example in one of the cartoons features on the home page of the website it talks about VPs, how would a child that is like five years old know what a VP is.

In website B the language is much easier and much understandable, there are no long boring sentences, most of them are just falshy words so the child can immedietly understand what is.

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