Thursday, April 23, 2009

final evaluation

Peer EvaluationUsing the table below open your website onto the computer and invite four people to review it using PIM's
Name Positive Minus Interesting
irving very simple and formal make more bright buttons looks very proffesional
lucas good background make flashy buttons very simple
jonathan big title and simple make a background easy to understand

Have I planned and created pages for my website?

Yes i planned the sizes of my buttons and pictures so that it will fit onto the website page. I resized the pictures and buttons according to my plan

Have I added appropriate text and images to my website?

I have used catching text to catch the readers eyes and the images relate to what the title is and what im talking about. I have also kept the text simple making a simple font so that the reader can easily read what im writing

Have I planned and created hyperlinks to navigate through my web page?

I did not create hyperlinks because i had no time as i only created my main page. Next time i hope to improve my time efficency and try and work faster and more efficent so i can complete the task
Have I evaluated my pages to make sure they were suitable for a wide audience?

yes on my blog i have evaluated every lessson to show what i did and weather i thought it was hard or not.

I can describe the steps I have worked through to create my web pages and suggest how they can be improved?

I think i capble of creating another website but it would take me a longer time. I think i can improve my website by adding more things to it and also to make tags to other pages since i didnt complete my task

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