Thursday, September 18, 2008

Self evaluation

What was the most difficult part of using the database to solve murder mountain ?
Their was not much difficulties but it was that sometimes i could not get answer correct when even checked with my friends and the answer was correct. In the end i found out that was because i did not turn the security warning on the top right hand corner off, so with this i remembered that everytime when i entered microsoft Acess i always had to turn the security warining off.

Are there any parts of using the database you think you would like to have more practice?
I would like to have more practices in creating my own databases incase in the future i would have to do a type of survery etc. This would only improve my database skills but it would also enable me to use the proggame more often when doing surveys What was the most difficult part of using the database to solve murder mountain ?

What specific changes would you make to you report (not the way you worked) if you had the chance to do it again?
If i had the chance to do it again i would try to upload a video using windows movie maker where it contain all the assignments on the video.This way it would not only look more proffessional but it would also save much more space. If i had a chance to did it again I would also do a short paragraph of each assignments therefore i could explain each assignment in detail whether i had and problem etc.

How well did you manage your time in this project?
I managed pretty well as i finished quite early so i got time to type more on my blog on what i did, since i got the hang of Microsoft Access i did it easily and quickly. Since mainly this project was about filtering the database to get your information you need and how to use photoshop to crop images it was not much of hectic project.

What things took the longest and why?
The things that took the longest was cropping the images because sometimes i forgot to save it as a JEPEG file so it took me a while to figure out what was the problem . But basically the filtering of the database was pretty simple so it didn't take me that long to get the answers.

Would you change the amount of time you spent on anything?
Not really because i had not many problems, i spended a fair amount of time on everything so i wouldn't have changed the amount of thime I spent on anything.

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