Thursday, September 25, 2008

What i i did this lesson:
In this lesson we learned how to use Adobe Photoshop cs3 to crop images using the magic stick, we also learnt how to put backgrounds onto pictures. During this lesson we cropped the image of the furious Mr Cottam and then placed a scenery background. The main aim of this lesson was so that we could knew how to use the magic stick to crop images and also to crop the small bits left since we only wanted the face and body of Mr Cottam. The second part of the lesson was when we uploaded a picture to the background of Mr Cottam. We did this by dragging the scenery we wanted into Adobe photoshop and then we had to copy the image of Mr Cottam onto the scenery we chose. And again at the end lesson we printscreened the final image where we saved it as a JEPEG file so that we could upload the picture onto our blogs
Problems i had while doing this:
The main problem i had was when we had to upload a background, This was because when I had dragged the picture into Adobe Photo shop, my picture of Mr Cottam had dissapeared then i found out that i had to go to file and press open recent file where i found my dissapearing picture of Mr cottam. Then i just copied the picture and pasted it onto my scencery background.
What i found most intresting
The most intresting that i learnt this lesson was the magic stick that i used to crop the image, it was not only very quick to use but it was a very easy process to use it too. It was also a very convient way of cropping images.

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