Thursday, October 2, 2008

What i did this week:
In this week, we experimented using the functions and tools of an editing program called xara. We pasted our picture of our cutted Mr Cottam on to xara. We had to create an interesting background which was somehow related to aliens for Mr Cottam. We used many tools to create our background. In my background theme i created a space theme which as you could has the planets and the sun stretching diagonally across my background. I also put meteors and diffreent sized stars and the milky way onto my background.
What difficult part of this lesson?
The difficult part of this lesson was doing the backgound color(black), it was hard because i did not know how to fill the background so i just created a big black square and placed it at the back of my shapes. But except for that i had not many problems so all i needed to learn now is how to fill a background color.

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