Thursday, October 9, 2008

what i did this week?
This week we started our 'teacher in a box' project, we had to design the front of our box which was a picture of the teacher we chose, firstly we got the picture of our chosen teacher from a file then we dragged it on the xara and then we used xara to edit our teacher with diffrent tools. In my teacher in a box i chose Ms adams as my teacher, my theme was to adivse people how to use be cool using Ms adams as my head guide.

what problems did i have when doing this?
i did not have much problems when doing this but when i tried to paste the black hat i had got from the internet, i faled because i tried to cut the white things besidein photoshop using the magic stick but it did not work so in the end i only cropped it.

1 comment:

Jutka Czirok said...

Excellent blogging, exactly what I want to see, what you did, what went well and what didn't go so well. Keep up the good work, and I like the box net - interesting image manipulation. Well Done