Thursday, November 13, 2008

final evaluation
What problems did i have when working with photoshop and xara ?
The most difficult part of using xara was that in the final stage we had to use the envelope tool, it was quite difficult because we had to paste everyting onto the 3-d model which was hard because in xara you could group two objects together which is easier to paste onto the 3-d model. But in the end i got the hang of it. Another problem that i came across in xara was that you could not crop images in xara so i ended up pasting the image onto photoshop to crop the image or use the magic wand to cut the uneeded parts. When i used photoshop i didnt have much problems because all i had to do was to cut Ms adams background(which wasnt so hard ) and to paste my print screens on to photo shop which i then had to post it onto my blog.

What parts would i like to practice
i would like to practice more on using the techniques on both softwares because for most of the i times i used xara to edit my box to paste my faces of my box onto the 3-d model (using the envelope tool)

what changes would i have done
I wouldnt change much of my box as i was pretty proud of my box it looked nice and attractive. The only thing i would have changed would be the fact that i could have made the box look more 'cool' because the theme of the box was to teach people how to be cool.

which one is better xara or photoshop
As i have several weeks on using both softwares i have come to a conclusion that photoshop is better than xara because it has more tools and functions, i think xara is designed better for beginners (like me) and photo shop is more suitable for who want to use advanced functions and tools but altogether working on both of these softwares has been very fun!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

what i did this week
again this week i just continued with my teacher in a box project i edited a few parts and made the box look more attractive by adding color to it and also editing the first face, i think that the next lesson i would be able to complete my teacher in a box as i just need to put it onto the 3-d model, this week i had not much problems so it was pretty simple task.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What i did this week
In this week we bascally just continued our teacher in a box project, i did the last two faces of the box. In my box i even put a fair trade mark to let people remember the importance of fair trade how we are trying to make the world as fair as possible by ensuring the famers etc get a fair pay, in my box i also included the recycle sign. On my third face i posted my company name along with its logo and also slogan and fianllly i placed a barcode to make my box look realistic.
Problems i had
The problems i had when doing this was that i coudnt enter my own personal account as my password had expired but i just decided that the next lesson i would just get my orignal teacher in a box and copy and paste onto my newly edited one

Thursday, October 9, 2008

what i did this week?
This week we started our 'teacher in a box' project, we had to design the front of our box which was a picture of the teacher we chose, firstly we got the picture of our chosen teacher from a file then we dragged it on the xara and then we used xara to edit our teacher with diffrent tools. In my teacher in a box i chose Ms adams as my teacher, my theme was to adivse people how to use be cool using Ms adams as my head guide.

what problems did i have when doing this?
i did not have much problems when doing this but when i tried to paste the black hat i had got from the internet, i faled because i tried to cut the white things besidein photoshop using the magic stick but it did not work so in the end i only cropped it.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

What i did this week:
In this week, we experimented using the functions and tools of an editing program called xara. We pasted our picture of our cutted Mr Cottam on to xara. We had to create an interesting background which was somehow related to aliens for Mr Cottam. We used many tools to create our background. In my background theme i created a space theme which as you could has the planets and the sun stretching diagonally across my background. I also put meteors and diffreent sized stars and the milky way onto my background.
What difficult part of this lesson?
The difficult part of this lesson was doing the backgound color(black), it was hard because i did not know how to fill the background so i just created a big black square and placed it at the back of my shapes. But except for that i had not many problems so all i needed to learn now is how to fill a background color.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What i i did this lesson:
In this lesson we learned how to use Adobe Photoshop cs3 to crop images using the magic stick, we also learnt how to put backgrounds onto pictures. During this lesson we cropped the image of the furious Mr Cottam and then placed a scenery background. The main aim of this lesson was so that we could knew how to use the magic stick to crop images and also to crop the small bits left since we only wanted the face and body of Mr Cottam. The second part of the lesson was when we uploaded a picture to the background of Mr Cottam. We did this by dragging the scenery we wanted into Adobe photoshop and then we had to copy the image of Mr Cottam onto the scenery we chose. And again at the end lesson we printscreened the final image where we saved it as a JEPEG file so that we could upload the picture onto our blogs
Problems i had while doing this:
The main problem i had was when we had to upload a background, This was because when I had dragged the picture into Adobe Photo shop, my picture of Mr Cottam had dissapeared then i found out that i had to go to file and press open recent file where i found my dissapearing picture of Mr cottam. Then i just copied the picture and pasted it onto my scencery background.
What i found most intresting
The most intresting that i learnt this lesson was the magic stick that i used to crop the image, it was not only very quick to use but it was a very easy process to use it too. It was also a very convient way of cropping images.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Self evaluation

What was the most difficult part of using the database to solve murder mountain ?
Their was not much difficulties but it was that sometimes i could not get answer correct when even checked with my friends and the answer was correct. In the end i found out that was because i did not turn the security warning on the top right hand corner off, so with this i remembered that everytime when i entered microsoft Acess i always had to turn the security warining off.

Are there any parts of using the database you think you would like to have more practice?
I would like to have more practices in creating my own databases incase in the future i would have to do a type of survery etc. This would only improve my database skills but it would also enable me to use the proggame more often when doing surveys What was the most difficult part of using the database to solve murder mountain ?

What specific changes would you make to you report (not the way you worked) if you had the chance to do it again?
If i had the chance to do it again i would try to upload a video using windows movie maker where it contain all the assignments on the video.This way it would not only look more proffessional but it would also save much more space. If i had a chance to did it again I would also do a short paragraph of each assignments therefore i could explain each assignment in detail whether i had and problem etc.

How well did you manage your time in this project?
I managed pretty well as i finished quite early so i got time to type more on my blog on what i did, since i got the hang of Microsoft Access i did it easily and quickly. Since mainly this project was about filtering the database to get your information you need and how to use photoshop to crop images it was not much of hectic project.

What things took the longest and why?
The things that took the longest was cropping the images because sometimes i forgot to save it as a JEPEG file so it took me a while to figure out what was the problem . But basically the filtering of the database was pretty simple so it didn't take me that long to get the answers.

Would you change the amount of time you spent on anything?
Not really because i had not many problems, i spended a fair amount of time on everything so i wouldn't have changed the amount of thime I spent on anything.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

12th September
What i did this week
In this week I finally solved who was the ultimate suspect it was Edith Summerson. I did this by entering the information witness statement one gave. I did a filter of all the people who fit witness statement 1 said, it left me with three people, then using witness statement 2's information i filtered the three people until I got the final suspect which was Edith Summerson. Problems i had when doing this
I had problems in assignment 6 because i could not find where the information to find the suspect was but later i understood it was in the book so i then later followed the book and it guided me through the asssignments

Saturday, September 6, 2008

What i did this lesson:

In this lesson we learnt how to upload our 'murder mountain' assignments onto our blogs. We had to print screen our assignments and then paste it onto 'adobe Photoshop' where we cropped the image, then we saved it as a 'JEPEG' file and then finally uploaded it onto our blogs.

What i learnt

In this lesson I learnt many things including how to use adobe photoshop to crop images but also how to use the 'print screen' button. I also learned that whenever you have to upload images onto the internet you have to change it into a 'JEPEG' file.